Saturday, November 17, 2007


No. I’m not referring to the latest Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals album, which I recommend. But, I’m stealing it for the title of this brief post.

Those familiar with the history of the Congo are aware of the horrors and darkness brought by colonial rule. However, with colonialism, came the Gospel. Unfortunately, it was inevitably intertwined with colonial domination and brutality. Some have told me it wasn’t the right time. I used to wonder if the Gospel’s presence benefited the continent at all. Naïve and ignorant, maybe, but its hard to ignore when viewing history through a lens of; Christianity the religion and the Church an institution. In my discussions with Congolese who have the relevant experience to speak passionately on the issue (not a white foreigner in the country for the first time), their eyes focus on the future and moving ahead, rather than reflecting on the past. The Gospel was introduced, and from what I have seen, it was and is the lifeline for many people. People breath it through song, dance, and prayer. Some may take this as a justification for colonialism…it’s not. As I stated, colonialism left nothing for the people of Africa. My statements, if anything, acknowledge and justify the hope and strength found in the Gospel that people have held on to so tightly. The community I’ve witnessed is astonishing, refreshing, and beautiful. It’s clear that what is needed here is empowerment, opportunities to overcome the context that has resulted from years of oppression, corruption, and war. As I reflect on my roots, I also come to the opinion that America needs a more authentic reflection of community found in the Gospel; a break from a Christian culture that is absorbed with the individual aspect.


adoratiodei said...

you write beautifully and simply. though you've been able to write little of what you've witnessed, it is nonetheless very telling. Thank you for your insights into what we cannot see ourselves.


peace in hearts said...

Justin! Kiki sent me your blog spot- thank goodness! It's so great to read what you're doing and how God is using you; an ordinary radical. That book rocked my world as I can imagine it did yours too. Praying the Gospel of grace will infuse the lives of those arond you. Blessings brother!
Katie G